Qotzuñi: The People of the Lake

In grand images and poetic commentary by the Uru people, who have lived in Bolivia for centuries, Qotzuñi: Hombres del Lago [The People of the Lake] tells the story of the disappearance of Lake Poopó, the result of extensive exploitation of the earth by mine operators combined with climate change. The lake has been dry since 2016 and only a crust of salt remains. The Uru, the people of the lake, have been deprived of their livelihood, as they lived from and with the lake, as historical photos and their impressive stories show. A carefully staged symbolic image makes it clear that we are all in the same boat. An all-round cinematographic masterpiece by Gastón Zilbermann and Michael Salama.

Argentina 2023 – 13 min – Directed by: Gastón Zilberman, Michael Salama