Dear industry visitors,

we are looking forward to four wonderful and inspiring festival days with you!
Below you will find an overview of the most important information for a delightful stay with us in Ludwigsburg.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the NaturVision Festival Info or by telephone: +49 (0)7141 99 22 4802

With your industry visitor's pass you will receive free tickets for the individual screenings at the box office. Please get a ticket for each film block.

A general note for all those who are scheduled to talk at your film: Please report to the NaturVision festival information desk 15 minutes before the programme starts.

Please also note that this year, due to construction work, our Open Air will take place at the Academy Courtyard of the Filmakademie and not at the Arsenalplatz. You can download the map here.

We would like to draw your attention to the following events:

NaturVision Festival Opening

Thursday, 20 July 2023 | 7:00 pm | Central Filmtheater

On Thursday, 18th of July at 7 pm we will open the NaturVision Film Festival with the nominated films from our Short Film Competition:

  • Keradó by Andrés Castillo, Diego Castillo
  • Qotzuñi: Hombres del lago by Gastón Zilberman, Salama Michael
  • The shark with a thousand names by Hendrik S. Schmitt
  • Vanishing Oasis by Jaxon Derow
  • Tümpel by Lena von Döhren, Eva Rust

Science Slam

Friday, 19 July 2024 | 7.00 p.m. | Central Filmtheater

Our 11th small science competition about nature and sustainability, in which the hearts of the audience are won with fast-paced short presentations. Because at the end, the audience decides who leaves the stage as the winner.

Tickets can be purchased in advance at the box office in the Central Filmtheater upon presentation of the festival pass.

Get-Together for industry visitors

Friday, 19 July 2024 | from 9.00 p.m. | Under the tent and in the film gallery of the Filmakademie

The professional / industry visitors' get-together offers the opportunity to exchange ideas over wine, beer, non-alcoholic drinks and delicious pizzas, fresh out of the oven.

Workshop Communicate environmental issues

Saturday, 20 July 2024 | 2 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. |Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg (Filmgalerie)

with Fildelis Mager (managing director and co-owner of Megaherz Filmproduktion GmbH), Tobi Krell („Checker Tobi“) and producer Antonia Simm.

Information about the workshop can be found here.

NaturVision Award Ceremony

Saturday, 20 July 2024 | 7.00 pm | Central Filmtheater

Dana Hoffmann will guide us through the award ceremony at the evening hour. We keep our fingers crossed for all nominees and look forward to a wonderful night!

The awards ceremony will start at 6 pm with a champagne reception at the cinema.

Following the ceremony, a relaxed get-together with drinks and small treats awaits you at the Academy courtyard of the Filmakademie.

Further information

We are looking forward to your coming and wish you all a great festival, good conversations, interesting meetings and many cinematic impressions!

Further information

Attending guests

Programme 2024

Nominated films

If you do not speak German and want some assistance at your arriving at the venue, please contact us via email: