Eisige Welten II
These regions are so hostile to humans that they are accessible to only a few. But the survival of a multitude of animal and plant species depends on them: on the icy worlds of our planet.
Once before, in 2011, the BBC produced an extremely elaborate series entitled Frozen Planet, which focused on the fascination of the polar regions. Now, barely more than a decade later, it is becoming increasingly clear how rapidly this world is changing – and how important it is to take a fresh look at it. In the current series, scientists therefore urgently warn how much climate change threatens habitats in icy Greenland, in the subpolar tundra landscapes, the glacier zones of the high mountains and at the poles, and thus also a wealth of animals and plants.
Elaborate camera techniques allow us to experience the events from all kinds of angles. And we see a world that is in the process of disappearing, while we are only just discovering it in the film.
Germany 2023 – Directed by: James Reed